
About the Saint Bernard Dog

The Saint Bernard, or St. Bernard, originates from Switzerland and was bred originally for pulling carts, turning spits, watch and herd dogs but they are most famous for helping lost travellers. It's origins can be dated back to the Middle Ages. The Saint Bernard is also known by the other names of St. Bernard, St. Bernhardshund and Alpine mastiff. This dog is classified as one of the Working Dog Group which we go on to describe in detail in the section at the bottom of this page. The Saint Bernard was first Registered by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1885. Name Facts and Dog Names: This dog's name is often referred to in two separate words as St Bernard and mis-spelt as Saint Barnard, Saint Bernerds and St Barnard.

About the Tibetan Terrier Dog

The Tibetan Terrier originates  from Tibet and was used for a herding, good luck, holy dog and companion. It's origins can be dated back to Ancient Times. The Tibetan Terrier is also known by the other name of the Dhokhi Apso and is referred to a a Good Luck or Holy dog due to its mystical associations with the Lamaist monasteries. This dog is classified as one of the Non-Sporting Dog Group which we go on to describe in detail in the section at the bottom of this page. The Tibetan Terrier was first Registered by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1973. Name Facts and Dog Names: This dog's name is often referred to as the Tibet or Tibetian terrier. The word Terrier is often mis-spelt as Terrior.


About the Weimaraner Dog

The Weimaraner Dog comes from Germany and was bred originally for large game trailing. It's origins can be dated back to the 1800's. The Weimaraner Dog is also known by the other name of the Weimaraner Vorstehhund. This dog is classified as one of the Sporting Dog Group which we go on to describe in detail in the section at the bottom of this page. The Weimaraner Dog was first Registered by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1943. Dog Name Facts and Dog Names: The word Weimaraner is often mis-spelt as Weimeraner.

About the Welsh Terrier Dog

The Welsh Terrier originates from Wales and was bred originally for hunting otter, fox, badger and vermin.
It's origins can be dated back to the 1700's. The Welsh Terrier is also known by the nickname of the Loveable Rogue as a direct tribute to his nature. This dog is classified as one of the Terrier Dog Group which we go on to describe in detail in the section at the bottom of this page. The Welsh Terrier was first Registered by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1888. Name Facts and Dog Names: This dog's name is sometimes mis-spelt as terrior and terriors.

About the American Foxhound Dog

The American Foxhound originates from the United States and is a dog of large size with a lean and powerful body. It is similar to it's main ancestor, the English Foxhound, but is taller and lighter, having also been also bred with French and Irish hounds. This cross breeding has resulted in the American Foxhound being the fastest breed of all the Foxhounds. It was bred originally to hunt small game and foxes. It's origins can be dated back to the 1600's and it is classified as one of the Hound Dog Group, which we go on to describe, in detail, in the section at the bottom of this page. Name Facts and Dog Names: This dog is often referred to as the Fox Hound.

About Terrier Dogs

All of the dogs listed below belong to the collection of dogs referred to as Terrier Dogs. Dogs in the Terrier group were developed to hunt and kill vermin. The vermin included control rats, mice and other predatory animals such as foxes that might raided a farmer's produce and livestock. The very nature of these tasks require an energetic, tenacious, brave and determined dog . Terrier dogs have always been viewed as real assets by their owners and have worked with man for centuries.